Famous Blackjack Players of All Time

Blackjack Hall of Fame

Blackjack is a popular casino game that has captivated players for centuries with its blend of skill and luck. Among the millions of blackjack players around the world, there are some who stand out as true masters of the game. These blackjack winners have honed their skills through countless hours of practice and strategic play, earning them a reputation as some of the best in the world.

From famous blackjack players who revolutionized the way the game is played to rising stars, these individuals have shown time and time again that they have what it takes to beat the house.

Let’s explore the strategies and techniques that have made these players legends in the world of blackjack, and delve into the secrets of how they consistently come out on top. 

Ken Uston

Ken UstonKen Uston was a legendary professional blackjack player known for his mastery of the game of blackjack and his innovative blackjack strategies. Uston gained fame for his ability to count cards and win at blackjack in casinos around the world, particularly in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.

Earning the moniker, “The Big Player”, Uston was a key figure in the world of professional blackjack and was even inducted into the Blackjack Hall of Fame for his contributions to the game, specifically the concept of team play. Uston was a pioneer in the field of playing blackjack as a business and authored the book “Professional Blackjack ” which detailed his theory of blackjack.

Uston was also a skilled poker player and competed in various blackjack tournaments throughout his career. He was considered one of the best blackjack players of all time and was regularly featured in the Blackjack Ball for his accomplishments. Uston was known for his professional player demeanor and his ability to count cards with precision, making him a formidable opponent in any blackjack game.


Don Johnson

Don JohnsonDon Johnson is a legendary figure in the world of professional blackjack. Known as one of the best blackjack players of all time, he has made a name for himself by winning at blackjack in some of the most famous casinos around the world. With his expertise in card counting and basic strategy, Johnson has achieved success in both Atlantic City and Las Vegas, notably winning over $15 million in six months against three casinos in Atlantic City. His strategic blackjack strategies have earned him a spot in the blackjack hall of fame and have solidified his reputation as one of the greatest blackjack players ever.

Johnson has also made a name for himself in the world of professional blackjack by participating in high-stakes blackjack tournaments and team play. His ability to count cards and outsmart his opponents at the blackjack game has earned him the title of the best blackjack player and the best blackjack player of all time. He has even been featured in the blackjack ball, an event that showcases the greatest blackjack players in the world.

Henry Tamburin

Hentry TamburinHenry Tamburin is a legendary figure in the world of professional blackjack. As a member of the Blackjack Hall of Fame, Tamburin is known for his expertise in the game of blackjack. With a background in Mathematics, Tamburin has played in numerous blackjack tournaments and has a reputation as one of the best blackjack players in the world.

Using his skills in blackjack and other casino games, Tamburin frequently teaches courses in blackjack across the United States. He has published 700 articles on various casino games from craps to video poker in publications like The Gambler Magazine, Gaming South Magazine, Strictly Slots and Casino Player Magazine.

This has led him to author a book on professional blackjack strategies called “Blackjack: Take the Money and Run”. Tamburin has been featured in numerous publications and has appeared at the prestigious Blackjack Ball alongside the greatest blackjack players ever.

Tamburin has been a key figure in the theory of blackjack and has influenced countless professional blackjack players. He is currently the editor and publisher of the Blackjack Insider Newsletter and runs his own website called Smart Gaming.

Lawrence Revere

Lawrence RevereLawrence Revere was a prominent figure in the world of professional blackjack players. His expertise in playing blackjack as a business led him to be inducted into the Blackjack Hall of Fame.

Revere was known for his mastery of card counting and basic strategy, which helped him become one of the best blackjack players in the world. Revere’s book, “Playing Blackjack as a Business” is considered a classic in the world of blackjack players as it delves deep into the theory of blackjack and offers insights into how to win at blackjack. 

Revere promoted the following card counting strategies developed with Julian Braun, which were detailed in his book:

The Revere Point Count
The Revere Five Count Strategy
The Reverse Plus-Minus Strategy
The Ten Count Strategy

Such blackjack strategies and variations of it are still being used by blackjack players to this day.

John Ferguson, aka Standford Wong

John FergusonJohn Ferguson is widely regarded as one of the greatest blackjack players of all time. Inducted into the prestigious Blackjack Hall of Fame, he made a name for himself as a professional blackjack player with unparalleled skills in card counting and basic strategy.

Originally hailing from Las Vegas, Ferguson was known for his ability to win at blackjack in casinos around the world, including Atlantic City. He was a pioneer in the world of professional blackjack and was instrumental in popularizing team play in the game of blackjack.

Throughout his career, Ferguson participated in numerous blackjack tournaments and was a key player in the Ultimate Blackjack and Blackjack Ball events. His blackjack strategies were highly sought after, and he even wrote a book professional blackjack detailing his theory of blackjack under the pen name of Stanford Wong. 

The Wong name is synonymous with a blackjack advantage play. This consists of a player scouting the conditions or count before taking a seat at the table.

MIT Blackjack Team

MIT Blackjack TeamMIT Blackjack Team was a group of students and ex-students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, and other leading colleges who used card counting techniques and more sophisticated strategies to win at blackjack and take on the casinos around the world.

They were known for their team play approach and their successful blackjack expeditions to Las Vegas. The team’s story was immortalized in the book Professional Blackjack by Blackjack Hall of Fame member John Ferguson, also known as Stanford Wong, as well as the 2008 movie 21.

The MIT Blackjack Team is often considered one of the greatest blackjack teams in history and has produced some of the best blackjack players ever. In fact, some of their members are now members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame, such as Bill Kaplan and John Chang. They revolutionized the way people thought about playing blackjack as a business and paved the way for a new era of professional blackjack players.

The MIT Blackjack Team was not just focused on winning at the game of blackjack, but they also excelled in poker and other forms of gambling, as they also participated in blackjack tournaments and other casinos around the world. They truly were the ultimate blackjack players of all time.

Overall, the MIT Blackjack Team epitomized the theory of blackjack and showed the world what could be achieved with hard work and determination. Their legacy lives on in the blackjack community and they will forever be remembered as some of the best blackjack players to ever grace the tables.


The players mentioned above are some of the best to ever do it in blackjack. They have honed and utilized their blackjack strategies to full effect, and their incredible plays and winnings have landed them into the Blackjack Hall of Fame.

If there is one thing you can get from these titans of the card table, is that you can train and get better at playing blackjack. Familiarize yourself with the basic blackjack strategies first, and try them out on online blackjack games. Once you’ve gotten the hang of the basics, you can move onto the more advanced blackjack strategies.

This way, by the time you’ve mastered all blackjack strategies, you can then decide to either play on real-life blackjack tables or go to live dealer blackjack tables to earn real money.

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